Thursday 2 February 2023

How to Start Your Putts on the Right Line?



How often have you hit a putt and wondered, "Where is that going?" when it lands far from the cup? To solve that, you've come to the proper spot. With the assistance of the coach demonstrates some of their favorite drills for getting the ball started on the proper line.


The Value of the Starting Line


Coaches add that the start line is crucial since you can only tell if you missed a putt due to poor reading or because you didn't strike the ball on your desired start line by looking at the start line.


The repair is rather simple if you hit the putt exactly where you meant to on your chosen start line and it misses. Simply alter your read according to where you often miss putts to play more or less break. (If you miss putts on the low side, play more breaks; if you miss putts on the high side, play less breaks.)


However, if you believe that you are reading greens correctly but are yet missing, your issue is probably with your ability to stroke putts on the start line. To improve your ability to read putts, practice rolling your putts consistently on the targeted start line.


Read More About- Printed Golf Balls


Three Exercises for Boosting Start Direction


      Your ball should have three dots in front of it.


The distance between each dot should be one foot. Practice until you can successfully roll your putt over all three dots. This lets you know that the first three feet of your putt are begun on line.


      A gate or two tees can be placed 12 to 14 inches in front of your ball as another exercise.


You can tell you're hitting your putts exactly where you want them to be when you can consistently get the golf balls to roll through the gate without touching either side. Consider which side of the gate you tend to strike the most since this will reveal your propensity and enable you to address it.


      The final exercise involves rolling your putts off the extreme end of a long metal ruler or putting blade each time.


It will be simple to identify where you are missing if your putts veer to either side since the ruler or sword will push them further from the target. Aim high with your objectives and strive to roll eight or nine putts out of ten off the end of the ruler or sword when practicing!


Test your green reading abilities by using a gate or tees to hit through on the practice green.


The most important aspect of any of our drills is to practise, practise, practise! Visit your local stadium and speak with a local Coach for more excellent advice like this and information on the lesson packages we offer.


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